Monday, April 7, 2008


Now if you're unfamiliar with the term, peacocking is when there is something about your person that can elicit conversation and act as an icebreaker. Now there's no magic shirt that will all of a sudden get you laid, but there is a base around which you can utilize small things to start a conversation and possibly get a smile. Get a smile, and you've got a promising start to any conversation.

Now if you have a cellphone capable of setting a ringtone, you can set a theme song to a particular good friend, and use that to your advantage. Whenever your friend calls, if there's anyone interesting around, you can use a catch phrase from the song to greet your friend while simultaneously flashing a smile at the girl. This is great because the ringtone gets her attention, you get to smile while making eye contact - and now she's just caught herself looking at you. This is the perfect time to read if she's interested as a lot of people have trouble hiding interest in that half second.

Other methods such as bracelets, hats, shirts and shoes can act as conversation starters as well. Necklaces tend to be fairly standard so getting a comment on one is usually a fairly good indication of interest unless you have a remarkable necklace. Any time you get that extra glance or start a conversation using any of these things you can think to yourself - you didn't even have to buy a porsche.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blast from the Past: Exs

Now I know that almost eveyone, unless they end on a bad note, usually says something along the lines of: 'Let's stay friends though...' and then mysteriously never talk to each other. You might ask yourself 'Why would you say something you don't mean?' Well, when you run into an ex, as you almost inevitably will, this little parting line can do wonders for avoiding a bad scene. Imagine being on a date and running into an ex claiming you stole her stuff, cheated on her and generally ran amok of her life. The ladies don't find this to be a turn-on. So here are a few pointers for ending on a better note:

1) Always try to make her feel as if you're not breaking it off because of her. You can do this by adding a few compliments in.

2)Be firm when you say you need time for yourself to get some things figured out about yourself. You could also say you feel like in order to really be intimate with anyone you need to understand yourself a bit more.

3)If you really have trouble being firm, you can say that you may just need a break, and then later on tell her you realized that you were just two different people, and you don't see it working in the long run. This is a better approach because it shows that you seem to be thinking ahead, but at the same time makes you seem a little less avoidant.

4)Lastly you can say that you don't have anything to offer her, although this will definetly cut you off from anyone she knows as a possibility. It is probably the fastest most effective way to break off a relationship besides dropping all communication. I wouldn't personally recommend this step unless you are having trouble making it clear in a kinder manner.

All in all, being on decent terms with an ex helps to avoid ugly scenes and you may never know, could even lead to a crazy night at a later time.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Impromptu Thought

Although I still am 'hiatusing' I was struck by a thought today that I thought I should share 2 impotant musings.

1)Risk Assessment:
Now if you haven't already, you probably will end up having a girl break your heart at one point or another. It sucks, yes, however you need to think about the future in a positive way. It happens once, yes, it could happen again, yes BUT that makes the risk you take with girls all the more worthwhile. It's knowing that you could be thrown right down on your ass again and doing it again that really shows you both value the person you ask out next and appreciate what you have even more.

2)Recognize what you're in it for:
There are some that will disagree with me, but I think it's important to keep in mind that you're not just picking up objects when you go out - but real people with feelings. If you're in it just for sex you may find yourself simply having lots of empty sex. Now there's nothing wrong with this - as long as you can recognize that no pickup will work as well as the one you really mean. You should have a genuine interest in getting to know the girl better before you jump into bed. That being said - there's nothing wrong with getting some experience ;)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Brief Hiatus

Dear Readers, stumblers, clickthroughs, and everyone else,

I am going to have to take a brief hiatus from posting, starting previous to this message apparently. Never fear though, the posts will be coming back within the next 2 weeks. Keep it classy ;)


Thursday, January 31, 2008

3 Things to Immediately Improve Your Game

1)Be Energetic and Animated

A lot of people think that to get girls they have to be loud and obnoxious like that asshole at the next table that won't stop talking in what is definetly not, and never will be, classified as an 'indoor voice.' A lot of people don't pick up very well either.

Being energetic doesn't mean you have to be loud or obnoxious, it just means you have to be enthusiastic about what you're doing. Don't get carried away and start exclaiming over your morning coffee, but step up the conversational tone from 'listening' to 'involved.' Focus on what you're doing like there's not any other thing you'd rather be doing at the moment.

2)Body Language

People tend to overshoot and undershoot this step. You want to have a confident posture, but you not look like you're waiting for a seargent to come around the corner and be impressed at your vigilant posture. Keep your shoulders back, and head up, but be relaxed. Imagine that your spine is like a puppets string down your back. Be upright, but no need to be a post.
On the other hand, don't look like a rag doll. Your relaxation should be one of ready movement. KNOW that you can move quickly, but CHOOSE to move smoothly.

3)Contact: Combine and build on the first two steps.

Now you're energetic, and you're emanating self-confidence - add some gesturing and you can expan your influence to her. As you talk, get in the habit of making some gestures. Keep your elbows bent when in a conversation, and to emphasize a point, or to see if she agrees, you can simply touch her arm for emphasis. This helps to subconsciously build up a kind of 'trust bank.' She will being to think of you as more friendly, likeable, and start to think of you as different from others.

Employ these three steps all the time, with everyone and it will soon become a natural and effective way to communicate and become close with not only those you are interested in, but people who simply don't know you're their friend yet - if you so choose.

Monday, January 28, 2008

What YOU should be thinking about while talking to HER

When approaching and talking to women, a lot of people manage to catch their attention, but holding it and keeping the conversation interesting is a challenge that many, many people struggle with.

So how do you give a conversation some of that extra sparkle? Simple, all you have to do, is think about what you're interested in. Now the tricky part is in steering the conversation in the direction you want it to. If you feel that you know music really well, you could drop a comment about how you feel like a local DJ at the parties cause everyone is looking for your CD, or just express an interest in music in general. The delivery of the first one may sound a bit cocky, so if you're still working on that self-humour tone, leave it for later. The beauty in this is that you're not only having a good conversation about something you enjoy, you're also seeing if she matches up with the kind of person you want to be with.

You should be thinking about what you want....and then getting it. Feel the energy

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meeting People

A lot of people these days feel lonely and socially stuck in a rut. People feel as if they don't get to meet new people and really connect anymore. If this sounds familiar to you, don't worry, it's actually not a bad thing - it will help motivate you to make a change in your life.

I know people say they don't like change, but change is the spice that keeps life interesting for most people. So how do you meet new people? Two words: common interests.

Look in your life and think to yourself ' what is it that I enjoy but don't do anymore because it requires a partner, spotter, etc. ' If you are physically oriented you might try rockclimbing, yoga, tai-chi, mountain biking, squash or tennis to name a few. Now the partner issue? Well this is where you find a club. Join a club and find out - if it's a partnered sport - what nights are free-for-all. For example, my rockclimbing gym has a bunch of people that go to climb on tuesday nights and everone is free to spot you as you climb. In these situations it's easy to strike up a conversation and if people are going to the gym alone, it means that they're probably single as well.

If you're less of a physical person, you could try dance classes, a bookclub or anything that people discuss - which is pretty much everything.

Once again, finding a way to share experiences with others is an easy way to connect with like-minded people.