Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meeting People

A lot of people these days feel lonely and socially stuck in a rut. People feel as if they don't get to meet new people and really connect anymore. If this sounds familiar to you, don't worry, it's actually not a bad thing - it will help motivate you to make a change in your life.

I know people say they don't like change, but change is the spice that keeps life interesting for most people. So how do you meet new people? Two words: common interests.

Look in your life and think to yourself ' what is it that I enjoy but don't do anymore because it requires a partner, spotter, etc. ' If you are physically oriented you might try rockclimbing, yoga, tai-chi, mountain biking, squash or tennis to name a few. Now the partner issue? Well this is where you find a club. Join a club and find out - if it's a partnered sport - what nights are free-for-all. For example, my rockclimbing gym has a bunch of people that go to climb on tuesday nights and everone is free to spot you as you climb. In these situations it's easy to strike up a conversation and if people are going to the gym alone, it means that they're probably single as well.

If you're less of a physical person, you could try dance classes, a bookclub or anything that people discuss - which is pretty much everything.

Once again, finding a way to share experiences with others is an easy way to connect with like-minded people.

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