Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Strategy (II): Straight Ahead

The most commonly used and seemingly the most successful approach is a combination of multiple approaches and attitudes. This method involves large displays of confidence, humour, friends and money all at once.

Employed mainly in clubs or bars with dance floors, it usually involves almost continual dancing in a simple side-to-side step combined with a little shoulder movement. This makes one seem friendly and when comments on your dancing come your way, the opportunity can be used as an ice-breaker, regardless if the input is positive or negative.It also helps if your friends are close by as you can stop dancing and lean over to make a comment every now and then so that girls don't think you're alone at the bar. It is very important to be smiling and easygoing while doing this otherwise it will seem awkward - learn to make it seem easygoing despite that it will feel awkward no matter what.

When buying drinks, always buy 3 or more at a time and be sure to share. This denotes generosity and if girls are simply using you for drinks, you still get an icebreaker and a chance to charm.

when it comes to charming them, making fun of yourself, then starting a mock argument works particularly well. If a girl is arguing with you, then she's not bored, and if she's not bored and still talking to you, she is - to some degree - interested.

Although this is the bare bones of the 'Straight Ahead' method, it is the essentials of it. It is important to notice that the employment of humour, smiling and wittiness(involved with the icebreakers, dancing, arguments etc) are all used.

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